Learn while having fun


Tips for introducing recipe’s to  children:

  • Prepare a recipe chart with photos describing each step

  • Have ingredients in their raw form for children to smell, taste and feel.

  • Have all equipment, tools and ingredients prepped and ready

  • Read the recipe aloud, discussing as you go

  • Discuss safety and sanitary measures with the children before and during the cooking experience

  • Include children in the clean up process


To make sure the cooking projects are developmentally appropriate refer to the following list:
Two-Year-Olds are learning to use large muscles in their arms and are unable to do the following activities:

  • Scrubbing Vegetables and Fruits

  • Carrying Unbreakable items to the table

  • Washing and Tearing Vegetable Greens

Three Year Olds are learning to use their hands and should be able to do the following:

  • Pouring Liquids into batter

  • Mixing Batter or other dry & wet ingredients together

  • Shaking a drink in a closed container

  • Spreading butters or spreads

  • Kneading Dough

  • Washing Vegetables and Fruits

  • Serving Foods

  • Putting things in the trash after cooking

Four and Five Year Olds are learning to control fine motor muscles in their fingers and should be able to do the following activities:

  • Juicing Oranges, lemons & Limes

  • Peeling some fruits and vegetables

  • Scrubbing fruits and vegetables

  • Cutting some fruits and vegetables with a ccil-safe utensil

  • Measuring dry ingredients

  • Mixing Ingredients

  • Setting the Table

  • Cleaning Table after cooking

  • Clearing the Table

The Most important thing to remember is to have Fun with the children as they have those learning experiences and learn about the Joy of Cooking.”

So take these pointers and start a game plan!




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